"Abwaan Nooradiin M.Darwiish Founder & Chairman USD Party Xisbiga Midnimada Soomaaliya Wadajir waxaan dhisi karnaa maanta & beri qaran tayo leh Welcome USDP party belong to all Somali people Together we can build up new Somalia today & tomorrow Policies of USDP is: Unity, Justice, Freedom, Equality, Transparency and Accountability. USDP will build up large health community inside Somalia and outside Somalia USDP strong commitment to delivery peace and democracy in all Somalia"
"I fully trust and support with all my contributions and all my heart. There is a huge treat to the world's peace, as in countries like Somalia extremists are gaining power and educate children from a young age, training them to become terrorists, to die in a religion's name. This is wrong and only bringing education to those children will allow them to make choices according to their hearth not to what they have been told or forced for. "